Sunday, November 27, 2016


Tokens of appreciation for being a customer of a company usually comes in a form of a calendar.  But this one is a great gift to receive.  I am showing the back side as I don't want to give the company free advertising.  The small door is a clean out door for the old nests.  The house itself is made of flimsy wood but the roof looks like it can survive a hail storm.

The ladders got a workout yesterday as I installed eave troughs on my porch.  I had replaced the facing boards early in the summer ut never got the trough back up.  We had a warmer day so that I could get out to do that.  My neighbor had caught his small shed on fire by burning leaves too close to it; so I had firetrucks and traffic driving around everywhere while I was working.

They did get the shed fire put out but it took a long time.  It was a heavy barn-like shed with lots of dimensional lumber in it.  More solid forms of wood makes a more solid source of wood to burn.  The guy has a habit of throwing gasoline on leaves to get fires going.

My plan is to leave the garden angel outside this winter for the first part of it.  I like seeing the snow build up in its container and on her form.  I really am not wanting snow to come yet but I do know that I don't get to pick and chose.

Our Arlington Heights kids left on Saturday to return home.  We had a good visit, eating out for brunch on the last day before they headed home.  The two boys are really growing up fast and by Christmas I am sure they will make many changes. Today should be a good day for rest.  I hope everyone has a good day today.  Thank you for checking in on my post today.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Birdhouse! Too bad about the fire, some people just don't take the time to be safe about it. Yes the snow will come, ours is melting:)
