Monday, November 28, 2016

One More Day of Grandsons........

Wacky pancakes are always fun for little guys.  I am not so sure that the taste any better but AJ really was excited that he could order it.  His second choice was macaroni and cheese.

The youngest guy, Teddy, is now more than seven months old now.  I don't publish myself ever but it turned out to be a good hair day for me. People out there are saying, "What hair?" We had a great weekend seeing the boys and their parents.  Our son took the photos with his camera of perfect settings.


  1. Good to see you with Teddy and yes what hairs you have were behaving! Fun pancakes! :)

  2. Well, you've got a lot more hair than the Furry Gnome has! Though it used to be different!
