Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Tuesday's Things......

It is a spooky moon.  I discovered that I did have a night setting on my camera.  I need to play with it and probably buy a special lens to get moon shots.  I used the bird feeder as my tripod and took this last night.  Through the moisture haze you can visualize the tree in the foreground.  A Facebook friend of mine posted a photo of a perfect white spot on black paper.  He called it his photo of the large moon.  Another friend wrote that your paper punch hole looks just like the photo that he had also taken of the moon.

A few nights before I did get a purple haze to surround the white spot. I know that I can see many shots of large harvest moon by looking on Facebook, as they are posting  shots from all around the world.

I have a second shot of the sycamore trees taken a couple of days ago showing a wonderful formation of clouds and the jet stream.  The bark on these trees are so different with their whitish smooth surface.

This is another shot of those clouds from a different direction.  We have another sunny day today so the skies will be clear and blue again today.   I hear that a winter storm is in our future.

I am posting my first Christmas ornament of the year.  It was lost in a drawer at the very back, still wrapped in paper from when it was purchases.  I don't have a clue as to how long we have owned it but it has never been on a Christmas tree.  It was a nice surprise to find it at this time of the year.  It kind of inspires me to start the process of decorating again.

The back side looks like this with the wings depicted from the back view.  I think the brand name on the card says "Old World Heritage." It must have been an after Christmas sale item and was placed in the drawer for a temporary storage. It will be nice to hang it on the tree.

Well, I need to get off of the blog and get to work outside.  I have more things to do that days in this week.  I will get done what I can do and when the snows falls I will walk away.

I have leaves to tend to and a large branch pile to burn.  I actually have about three piles of lilac branches that will burn up quickly.  Once the fire gets started I can keep feeding it until they are all gone.

I didn't get done with porch addition and I hope I can get to that.  The inside roof of it needs to be boxed in and then everything needs to be painted.  I have some painting to do.  I need to touch up some old parts of the house from bad paint that is showing wear.

It is cold this morning and I do have to bundle up in order to be outside.  I don't mind except when I get to be working and realize that I am overdressed.  I became too warm yesterday as I was working out there. I have lots of plants to clear but if it doesn't happen, the stems will make good photo shots in the snow.

Thank you for stopping by today. I wish you all to have a good day.


  1. That is a lovely ornament. I had one just like it a few years back, it was a gift and I dropped it. I am so not buying anymore glass ornaments...well except for Shiny Brites:)

  2. Love your shot of the Super Moon, it shone so brightly last night, we could see our way in the dark from it's light !
    Lovely new ornament, hopefully it will find a place on your tree this year :)

  3. Great minds think alike. I used my bird feeder as a tripod too!
