Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Tuesday's Things.....

Monday afternoon the sun was setting in the west and the light from it was illuminating the clouds in the east.  I went across the street and took a clear view of the scene. The tree clutter is from the fence row that sits between the foreground cornfield and the next set of fields in the distance.

It is interesting how a holiday season can quit so suddenly once the actual day is over and the dishes are all done.  The leftover napkins seem dated as if they really have to wait a year to become relevant again.  We will use them up quickly so that we can move on to the next holiday.

Our son comes from Chicago  with family and he usually hits the building centers on black Friday to pick up the cheaper poinsettia.  It does help our house to prepare for the Christmas season as it sits in the middle of the dining room table to announce the arrival of the new holiday and our need to start decorating.

 It is a work day for us with business to do and things to get done. I am going to be done with the project you see at right.  I had an interruption of substitute teaching which stopped all progress on the framing.  I did invent a shadow box frame from common pieces of trim boards and now everything is close to being assembled.  The hours I have spent on this would baffle the mind but I don't think about it. I really liked doing it but a lot of the work is just for free.  I will just be glad to get done.

It is Tuesday and thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. That shadow box will really be something when it is finished! Interesting clouds at your place :)
