Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Year's Eve.......

I really didn't think about it, New Year's Eve, until now as I had started to blog this afternoon.  It has been a busy week with a visit to Chicago and twice doing semi rescues for the neighbor lady.  I was over to the neighbor's house on Tuesday morning as she took a very hard fall.  She had me bandage her up to stop two bleeding wounds and cleaned up the mess that was caused by the fall.  Thursday night I was again over to her house as she had summoned an ambulance to take her to the hospital. She wanted company until they arrived and to keep track of her little dog. Her fall really had caused lasting pain.  Tuesday afternoon, my wife and I made some decisions that will eftect our future changing things to a new direction.  I will share that later.

After this week and all that took place, going to the bookstore today made our lives seem a little bit normal again.  Thinking about how fast things can change in an instant, I am not taking the moving into the new year so lightly.  I hope the past week doesn't repeat with so many things happening all in five days. My focus on the new year is a lot more clearer as we start it out tomorrow.

The poster on the wall at the bookstore seemed a little bit troublesome even though the book has nothing to do with my life. It is an interesting choice of decor for the store.

This appears to be a cozy place to sit and drink coffee.  It was a good place to preview magazines and books finding things that we could buy.  We did get a magazine but our peace was disturbed a while before we decided to just leave.  A man sat down to our left with another older gentleman. He was so mad about the election results that he was reliving it and yelling most of the time.  We got up and moved to the other side of the coffeeshop and then we finally left.  I would think a manager could have addressed it to have him talk quietly or get out.

An inspiring book that helps plan the spring planting.  It had stated in the book that when the artist  Monet died that the gardens faded away. He didn't have workers while he was alive and no one cared to keep it going.  The book showed the entire garden being rebuilt, maybe to a better stage than what it was originally. It showed the digging deeper ponds and a new bridge engineered for perfection making it look so wonderful.

A reposted photo of the packages we took to Chicago for a late Christmas.  Our oldest grandson was certain the Christmas had passed but he enjoyed his presents.  When he opened up his monster truck he streaked for joy. I do have one of the light fixtures hung but I will wait to hang the second one as I will start soon to remodel the gallery room.  I don't need to break a light fixture with the kinds of things I will be doing in there.

I have worked all day on this posting and finally I have completed it by 7:30 this evening.  I knew I needed to get it done before the new year and I have.  I wish you all a very great new year evening and I will see you on the net next year. Thanks for stopping by today or tomorrow.


  1. I am so sorry to read about your neighbor and hope things will be worked out for her health and safety.

    I pray that your decision for a new direction in your life will work out just great for you and your wife.

    May 2017 be a wonderful year ~ FlowerLady

  2. The new year is here! Have a good one.

  3. Happy New Year! I hope you and Della have a very good year! :)
