Sunday, January 1, 2017

Day One.......

I was out this morning and took some shots of the sky.  The photo is one of those where all the trees do get into the way of the sight of beautiful clouds. It is a subtle blue sky with pastel colors.

It is a great start for the new year.  It was cold out there and I didn't wear a coat. The Air Force had three jets out this morning and they left their trail in the sky for everyone to see. The whole sunrise is lined up behind   the row of houses. It is a gentle sunrise with gentle colors and it was worth it that I went out to see the view.

We won't be taking the trees down immediately but on Friday we have to have the large tree down. Two new pieces of furniture are coming and we need to have that space back. I guess it is better to get the process started and starting off the year with some few good changes.  I bought new plastic containers in which to store ornaments and they are clear so I can see what it in them.  I am looking to the future of another Christmas to come.

Today, we go to church and afterwards we have a feast with our Asian friends.  We teach Sunday school to the the grandkids of these people and a meal with them is such a treat.  Yes, there are authentic foods to eat that are Cambodian and we are warned of the severely hot spiced items. The group has some Vietnamese and Laotians.  The egg rolls are so wonderful and noodles and rice are always good.  We take chocolate cake and a veggie tray which they love. If there is cake left over the take it home with them.  The people are the refugees from the Khmer rough, where, if they had stayed in the country they would have died.  The have been here and worked here for so long that the United States has been there forever home.  The are steeped full with all their traditions and they are glad for the new innovations of this country.  The rest of the day will be home and enjoying the "nothing to do" rest of the day.

I appreciate the blog world as I have been able to meet so many great people. I can't live everywhere but I can live daily through the sharing of others lives.  From Canada to Florida, and from Orgon to New York City, I am able to learn new things daily.  Having friends in England, France, New Zealand, and beyond are somethings that I never imagine that I could have.  I appreciate it all.  My wife and I are making some major changes in our lives this year and I will share that later. It isn't a big deal but it is a change that enhances our lives.  With me being out of the life of a school we have a lot of new things to do.

Happy New Year to you all and as always, thanks for stopping by for a visit. 


  1. You also share in local activities by volunteering so you will find the blog world provides more opportunities.

  2. Make it a good year Larry! I intend to too.

  3. New furniture and some remodeling you will be busy in the New Year! I am curious to hear about the big changes! :)
