Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Finding Things........

We have a cupboard that we built many years ago that covers a sewer pipe that is in the office area.  The cupboard seems to be off to itself and we rarely add things to it or take things out of it.  I was digging into the cupboard because we are looking for a tackle box, art purposed.  We can't find it. I am thinking that on our very last outing of painting along the north shore that we left it somewhere.  It was a large art tackle box that we stored all sorts of art things to help us as we painted out doors. I am guessing it was either left in a motel or was left on the ground somewhere in one of the parks in Minnesota.  That cupboard was our last hope in finding it.

The photos that I found while digging in the cupboard were the above two.  Our son Forester Dan, who turned 38 a while back is the one with the pet deer of our cabin area in Grand Rapids, Minnesota.  A woman who lived in the main house near us took in abandoned critters for the county people who were in charge. The young deer grew up quickly and did hang around for another year.

The other photo is an antique photo that came from a very old furniture store.  I salvaged things from that store while in my youth. I have a couple of other prints that were in the store of famous artists at the time.

She will be in the landfill soon.  There is a another one of a man in some other cupboard and they will not be going away together. I guess it is time to say good riddance to the lesser quality pieces.

I found a spear, very sharp and dangerous, that came from Madagascar.  A relative great aunt on the boy's grandparents side was a missionary there for most of her adult life. I don't like keeping it around but it is a museum piece.  The handle piece to the spear head never existed or was found in the aunt's things.

A piece from my wife's glassware collection was also found in the cupboard.  It was at the very top of the cupboard and I had to get a step ladder to get it down.  The office area sin  a part of the house that still has ten foot ceilings. I had to make a very tall cupboard to cover up the pipe.

I have some bloggers wondering what is going on with this moving process.  My wife and I are moving to a city close to Des Moines.  It is in a good location for us, in a quiet newer suburbia.  The house is all on one floor, which was a strong reason for moving. The basement is a walk out one and the former owners were gardeners. Shrubs and trees are established and many good things will be there for me to further develop.  It is also a house that is 13 years old, it will be like a new house for us. After living in a 113 year old house, we look forward to the change.   I have run out of youth and patience to continue maintaining the old house and having a new house will be refreshing.

 The town we now live in, was chosen by my working here as a teacher back in 1976.  We have no relatives in this town or area, so we have no ties that are that strong.  The school was my job and I know everyone and their kids in town.  It is a good thing but it also is going to be nice to be able to be anonymous for my elder years. The closing is not until March, the date is flexible, as we are waiting for the former owners to move to Boston. For a certain period of time we will have the freedom to own both houses and take all the time we want to get into the new house.  I have some work to do on this old house before I put it up for sale. We probably will not be ready to move in but we will have things organized enough that it will be easier to transfer things for a final move.  The boxes that fill the dining room right now are getting to be overwhelming but we keep thinking of the final finish of this move.

My blogging continues and I will try to stay on it.  Some days are going to be ones that I may not be around but I will try to stay in touch with everyone.  We are at the bottom part of a snow storm today and we are getting colder now. I am sure we will have white stuff everywhere before the day is over.

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. I am sure the move will be good for you. Will you look for a new church home? There is a church in your new town called North Branch I think....Pastor Rains...we knew his wife as a small girl and teenager...I bet you would like them.
    Packing is really hard work and I am certain your boxes are piling up! :)

  2. I finally found this post about your move. Congrats and I hope you both will be very happy. It is grand to have a home all on one floor and a basement that you can just walk out of. A bonus too to inherit flowers from a previous owner. So thankful that you can take your time packing/moving and getting your home ready for sale. I do wish you much happiness.

  3. I'm glad to have found this post about your move. I pray it all goes smoothly and may you enjoy your new home and gardens for many years to come. No more stairs or keeping up that old house.

    Love, hugs & prayers for you both ~ FlowerLady
