Monday, January 23, 2017

Monday..............Slow Start.

It has been 14 years since this broadway musical was first performed. We were fortunate enough to go see the North American touring group perform this musical last evening.  All in all, I really did enjoy it.  The play does start off as a "better than high school" class play, but it does pick up.  I really do like the music and the sound systems put out quality stuff. The music did become louder than loud at times.

I am really into watching the productions and how all the technical details work when putting on the play. The set changes, lighting, and now viewing projection screens really are fun to see as they create a magical product. I worked with high school  play directors a few time helping build sets and finding furniture to put on school musicals.  I really liked doing that.  The "Hello Dolly" was my first big musical that I was put in charge to create the set.

Our new home is north of the Des Moines area. It is about 20 minutes or less away from the Des Moines Civic Center (Performing Arts). There will be no excuse for us not to go to see the traveling broadway shows.  We will pick and choose from them but should be able to see some of the really big ones.  We will never see the professional shows in NYC so this will be a good similar experience.

I had to dig to find things to photograph this morning. Pottery is hidden thoughout the house and I found these two just recently.  The quality of the pieces do vary in quality, as some were just demonstration pieces that I made for students to see. Other pots are ones that I take my time to really make perfect. The wheel thrown one is one of my earliest works back when I first started teaching art.

Today I share my oldest son's photo our youngest son, Forester Dan.  He is holding his nephew, Teddy, the picture taken last summer.  He and is wife live in Maine.

He and his wife spent the weekend at a hotel in the mountains in Maine for his birthday.  We have seen pictures of him hot tubbing in bubbly waters, outside while it was 26 degrees F.  Teddy's baptism ceremony was postponed to this coming Sunday and we will be there. Teddy is now 9 months old today.

It is still winter here and we are getting weary of the weather.  We are probably not as tolerant as we should be.  I hope everyone is safe today and warm.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. You said "our new home" - did you move?

  2. Happy Birthday to your Aaron! I like the thunbs up, he looks good holding a baby! :)

  3. Sounds like a wonderful new place to call home with different things available to do. Happy Birthday (belated) to your son. Hard to believe Teddy is 9 mos.
