Friday, January 13, 2017

Good Morning....

The sunrise was a warm yellow and red looking one but it really is very cold out there. The weather continues to be a factor in making plans in our lives.  We are watching weather patterns that seem to eventually attack us with freezing rain and wind.  The weekend looks like a difficult one for travel. We need to get to Chicago for a Sunday event but we will have to wait and see what happens. Chicago may be having good weather but we can't get there if we can leave the state.

Our Christmas village was taken down a day or so ago.  I like the detailing of the bridge that we have with our village. All of the trees and people are packed in boxes and all the buildings are placed in their special boxes ready to be opened up again next December.

Furniture keeps being shifted around in the house as the emptying of the art gallery takes place. This is an old commode from my wife's side of the family.  We stripped off a couple of layers of paint from it when we were first married.  The commode's of the past was the sink in houses without running water.  A pitcher and wash basin would sit on the top ready for people to pour in water and wash up.  The piece originally had a decorative bracket on the top of it with a rod to hold the towels and washcloths. I am not sure that the towel racks were removed but I am guessing the change the function of it and removed the rack.

All the tidbits that are collected from various places end up in a container. The variety of things from a kid's toy,  jewelry with tiger eye stone (found at my parents home), and a glass piece intended to be put into an aquarium or glass vase. When you dismantle things, stray things in drawers seem to show up. While emptying the commode I found a silver dollar laying loose among lots of papers.

It is another busy day for us but we are trying to find easier things to do. We look forward to the garbage truck arriving  today so we can have an empty trash can in which we can fill it up again.

I thank you for stopping in today.  As I get busier with that room and other plans in our lives, I know the blog will get to be a lot slimmer. I hope to be a lot slimmer too.  As long as I have a camera handy and things to share I will still be here.  Ah yes.......tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful commode, that wavy front is so elegant! Hope you can make your trip but it might be an ice be careful! :)
