Thursday, January 12, 2017

Thursday All Day.......Burrrrrrrrr.

I moved the sound system out of the art gallery yesterday.  It was a sad day when I tried to get the turntable to work.  With a lot of forced spinning, I did get it back running on its own again.  The table hadn't been used for a few years even thought it isn't real old.  My wife bought it for me as a gift back before the new generation decided they wanted to explore vinyl.

I grabbed some albums off the top of pile to use to get the table to work again.  It is a fancy turn table, with the raising of the arm and placing the needle on the record, it causes it to turn on.  When it gets through the record the arm raises and returns to its resting place and the table shuts itself off.  I did have to take time to reconnect all the components of the sound system before I started.  Doing that task is so much easier that the modern computer and television connections.

The fish are shadows as they are have back lighting from the window. They were begging for some food. I am down to three, now large, goldfish and one algae eater.

I am thinking that these guys will become fish for some other owner, like the science department.  If I ever start up again, I would like to go back to a smaller tank with tropical fish.  The fish are in with the cockatiels and I bet the birds won't miss them if I give them away.

It is cold again today.  The wind chills really do help to burn the skin while outside. I know we are not as cold as some but I am issuing a complaint that I am tired of it already.  I know February in Iowa can be brutal,l so I guess I should just settle down for a while and suffer quietly.

We donated some great books to the Goodwill yesterday.  They rolled out a plastic bin and I  tossed them all into it.  Right away a young man grabbed up a dog reference book and was flipping through the pages, looking for his dog. I thought I had given everything given to him but then I found an art book that I had tossed into the backseat when we left.  I took it inside and three of the workers had their noses in the books.  We buy cheap sale books on art, photography, travel and animal books.  They are used for resource when we paint and draw.  After 30 years, one does want to look at different books so a lot of the old ones get to be gone.

Another busy day today.  I hope everyone is well.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. It has been so long ago that we gave up our turntable and records.
    your post makes me wish I still had them, it would be fun to listen to them now.

  2. We are suffering quietly up here too! Stay warm! :)
