Monday, January 2, 2017

Low Light Blur.........

As the season has come to a close, Valentines are being put out in the stores as we speak. We will take decorations down slowly.  It doesn't have to be a drastic big job.  The village will stay up through January so we can enjoy it for a longer time.

While taking fresh pictures to share, I found myself taking shots of the village on a cloudy day.  It doesn't give me enough light in the room so the blur you see are because they are blurry shots.  I seemed to be blurry-eyed this morning too so it doesn't help for me to get them into perfect focus.

I found my wife some fishermen to put in her display.  We don't have a frozen pond, so people will have to use their imaginations to figure out where they have been to go ice fishing.

Our oldest son found the barn in a garage sale and it fits in good as a part of the village. Iit gets set on the edge of town and looks good there.

Laying on the dining room table is one more decoration for the collection. A seventy-five percent discount on most things causes me to pick up at least one or two items. We will use it next year on my wife's angel tree.

We didn't party hardy on the New Year's day but we did get a good workout.  The Asian's in our ministry had their potluck and we were kept busy. The people bring in food but their still is a lot of organizational duties to do.  Our minister was working a chile contest, winning the best cook award, while we were elsewhere getting things set up for the crowd.  The normal set of people who usually run the kitchen were gone, one had a knee replacement, so they stayed home.  The wife of our minister had foot surgery so she was not there. So when the minister arrived, the three of us kept the place gong. We really did enjoy it but we were very tired by the end of the event.

Because of the day yesterday we are running a low-keyed life today.  I am not sure that there is any project that I will start.  I know the post office is not working today so why should I?  The year can start with a big bang tomorrow.   Thank you for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Our days are clouds and rain this past days. To warm so
    when the cold hits it always feels to cold.
    Glad you had a good meeting and fellowship.
    Looking forward to your news about your life changes.
