Thursday, January 26, 2017

Thursdays Things......

There is a lot of snow out there; 6 to 7 inches of snow on the ground. The view really does show my very oldest set of tennis shoes.  I slip them on like house slippers some times when I am in a hurry to put out birdseed. I came in with snow caked all over the shoes and my jeans were wet too. I don't have to shovel back there anymore since our little Button left us.  Barney likes the snow and it is fun for him  to wade through it.

The snow was collecting on the west side of the trunk of the birch tree.  It doesn't really show as the tree is so white itself in color.

The juncos were glad that I had dumped seed on the old broken-down feeder.  The tray still works so they did get right at it this morning, digging through the seed.

Focusing on white just doesn't always work.  I still like the formations that are formed with the build up of snow on the yew shrub. Our tracks that Barney and I created last evening were all gone this morning as a powder-like snow fell most of the night.

I found my portfolio of black and white photos that I took at ISU.  It was my very last class that I took during the summer of 1972 before I started my teaching job for my very first time. The camera was a boxed shape camera with view finder that required you to look down on it while you manually focused it.  The required night shot that I took for the portfolio was this greenhouse taken somewhere on campus.  Forty five years later I was able to manipulate it into a better photo than what was originally taken.  I took a lot of bad photos for that class.  It was film back then and I was required to develop my own pictures in the smelly lab. I enjoyed it but I sure didn't know exactly what I was doing  I will share more photos later. Personal computers were not invented yet along with any applications to edit photos.

We are heading out to a furniture store today to look for new pieces to go into our almost new house. We have a list of things and need to find how long the ordering and delivery time will be.  We really have lived most of our married life with mostly antique or repurposed furniture.  Our one new couch and loveseat that we bought 18 years ago did bite the dust and is in the landfill.  It had an ok price but the value of them was not so great.

We are moving to a house that has actually four bedrooms.  One bedroom will used an office area. Another is in the finished basement next to a full bath. We will be able to have company at different times of the year.  Others will receive antique dressers and bookshelves.  It is fun, and yet we are still in limbo as to when the actual closing day will be.

The cold and the snow is settled in again as actually we are in the winter season.  I see we will get snow again this evening but no storm predicted with this one.  Thank you for stopping by today.
Everyone stay safe and warm out there.


  1. Well how did I miss that you were moving??

  2. All the planning for a new space is exciting. You really got the snow. Dry for us, but cold!

  3. Moving is always such an exciting time! Look forward to hearing about it. We're starting to think about it.

  4. Four bedrooms! That is a big house! No snow here only slippery melted icy snow:(

  5. Somehow I have missed what is going on with you two. You are moving? To a different town? Is your current home for sale? My name here on my comment will take you to my new blog or my email is mwnalley827
