Friday, January 27, 2017

Friday Has Arrived........

The garbage truck goes early in the morning. I have to put everything out the night before rather than get up so early to do the job.  We have emptied out some old dried up things that have been taking up space way too long under the gallery sink. As I turn the gallery into a family room I am removing the sink and cupboards.  The north end of the house with pipes going through the crawl space meant fighting continually in the winter to keep pipes from freezing.  The new owners, if anyone wants to buy this place, can turn that area into a bookcase area or whatever. Evidence of cupboards and sink base will be gone.

It didn't warm up much the past two days so the snow is still around  It was 12 degrees F. on our thermometer this morning. It was  colder than we have been for weeks. The streets did get cleared yesterday in town with the use of salt and sand.

Our trip to the furniture store yesterday was a safe journey but the highway had places where the snow had blown onto the road.  It was slick as we drove through those areas. We meant a road maintainer on our way up and he wasn't scraping anything. Wedecided when we returned that he had put chemical on the snowed over areas as they were melting.

Here is another photo from my portfolio from the college class.  It is taken from the creek that flows through the Ledges State Park. The creek dumps into the Des Moines River which becomes the Lake Saylorville.  When the lake has too much water, this entire area is flooded out from the backup of the water. When the dam was put in, engineers said that the flooding wouldn't happen ever 20 years or more.  They were wrong, as the park has been flood almost one or two times every ten years.

The park has unusual rock formations on either side of this river. It is like a miniature canyon with the creek running through it making it a great park area to visit. The foliage and flowers are from a shrub that I can not identify right now.  It reminds me of a wild hornbeam but I really don't know. The photo was taken in 1972.

The two juncos were really excited at the fresh pile of seed. The glass pieces are broken so the feeder doesn't work. I use the tray part to dump in the seed. I did see a bluejay out there this morning but I wasn't free to take any photos.

Another busy day for us as we keep going on the packing.  I have the art gallery cleared out enough that I can now start working on the remodeling part of the room.  The room is 13' by 21' and will make a really nice family room. A new ceiling and new flooring product will make a good impression for a buyer.  As I proceed, we have to decide what should be put on the floor, wood or carpet?  I guess those decisions come as the work continues.

Thank your for stopping by today.


  1. I don't like carpet, I would put wood and an area rug if I were the buyer. We have carpet upstairs and in the bedroom that is all. I like tile but it is lots of work every few years. I hope your furniture trip was fun! :)

  2. Went back on your blog,we had been sick a few days and missed
    your post a bout the move. Happy for you both.
    But what a job moving can be.
