Saturday, January 28, 2017

Time Off........It's Saturday.

I am packing the older ones; not packing the younger ones. I need to start an antique store and put them all in it for sale.

All of the pottery on the main floor is packed up ready for the move.  Unfortunately I have a lot of pottery in the basement that will have to be sorted and packed.  Some of it will be pitched.  I have a collection of ceramic birdhouses that I made each year at school.  I would make a demonstration piece for the students, in which  to see the process. I taught a lot of years and most years I did make a new one.  We will see if I can figure out which ones are the best one to pack.

I will be packing my morning glory seed that I harvested last fall.  I have a lot of see and will have to see where I can plant it.  We have two very large clematis vines already established by the previous owners.  The it a good thing for us.

Our sweet newborn grandson, Teddy, is  now over 9 months old.  We will be attending his baptism soon.  He has grown up fast and is a gentle-natured little guy.  We will also see our other grandson AJ who is turning 4 years old in February.

We did a little time away from the house today.  We checked out the bookstore and stopped at Wally Mart afterwords. It is nice to be back home now as the windchill are really tough on the skin today.  Thank your for stopping by today.

Oh yes, we did buy some furniture on Thursday.  We had fun picking out some new things to fit into our newer house. We bought another wing-backed to match the one we already had purchased a few months ago. We will have to return to pick up some minimal kinds of things but we wore out that  day we went and just didn't finish.  Our new house really isn't that close to a furniture store in our city.  We need to do some more looking to find out if there is something there we are not aware of. 


  1. After all these years, and I only just found your other blog. Love the photo of your grandson. Good luck with the move.

  2. You are getting a lot done. Enjoy the new furniture.

  3. I hope you get to go to the Baptism! You have your work cut out for you deciding what pottery to keep. I bet it would sell well on a garage sale. Perhaps you should think about having a sale right inside the house after you have moved to the new would bring in potential buyers for the property too! :)
