Saturday, February 25, 2017


I plant chives in containers and leaved them out in the winter.  They survive the cold and come back up in the spring.  This planting of chives is a couple of years old now.  They had been all frozen down and dead-looking but the warm spell made them perk back up again.

We are suppose to warm up to just freezing during the day.  It is very cold right now.  I was lazy and shot this through the living room window rather than venture outside.

Things that have changed around here can be listed.  I have a large dumpster sitting in the drive where the Buick usually sits.  I am dumping construction waste into it.  My wife and I painted out a whole gallon of paint yesterday onto the drywall and we ran out of paint.  I don't know what I was thinking being only one gallon because it will take about 3 gallon to give that whole area two coats of paint.  Now the dumpster is here, I have to start cleaning out the basement removing unnecessary items.  I have many things that can go to the landfill and I won't be missing it.

We plan to stay inside this morning and not travel until it warms up a bit.  Our area received lots of snow and frozen rain pellets.  It was not like that in the county below us.  When we venture out this afternoon the roads should look good down there.

I wish everyone to have a good weekend.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I like the chives in a container idea. I should do that. Mine are getting crowded out of the bed I have them in by other plants.

  2. I don't blame you for snapping the photo from indoors! We had thunderstorms and now strong wind today.
    I do not envy you having to paint. That is one thing that makes me so sore.
    Best wishes with getting things from the basement to the dumpster. You should wear a FitBit during all this reno to count your steps!

  3. I can almost smell your Chives! They are a really hardy plant and hard to kill. We have sun today but it is not real warm :)
