Sunday, February 26, 2017

Sunday Afternoon..........

My tin can collection is needing to be packed.  I will remember them as they are fun to have.  I guess steel-cut coffee was a special kind of coffee. It is interesting that they put a plantation on the can even though I bought that they grew coffee beans in the south.

An archived photo of Barney in his younger days. It looks like spring weather in this photo and Barney seems to be so alert to what is going on next door.

This is an archived photo of a house finch that was at my thistle feeder.  They seem to be plentiful on the north end of the town, where corn is spilled out while being process at the co-op.  We rarely seen them on the south side of town.

I hope everyone is having a restful day.  Our day is warmed up some but we have a sharp wind.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. I love your can collection. Very pretty displayed together. Nice to see Barney and the birds, too. Thankfully, our wind was not as brisk and cold today. I hope you will have a nice week. Take care.

  2. Splendid pictures! Barney is so beautiful! And I love your capture of the Blue Jay. They are noisy beauties.

  3. Your old cans ware way cool! I have a bunch too...I suppose I should sell them or something. :(
