Saturday, February 18, 2017


A professional photo of Teddy.  He is making fast changes in his maturity.  I saw a video on the net of him pulling himself all over the floor by using his arms. He has such a sweet personality and smiles a lot.

This is a sweet photo of Teddy with his Uncle John on the day of his baptism ceremony. He had a cold but still would smile at all that was going on around him.

Big brother AJ has grown up a lot too.  He turns four years old this month.  He is out there learning and asking questions as he runs through the world to do so many different things. Teddy has the same kind of hair growth as AJ, so Teddy will have hair just like AJ.  AJ gets to go to a barber to get his hair cut. It seems like just yesterday that this oldest grandson was born.


  1. They are just precious and I know you love them so. These are great photos. It is fun for me to watch them change/grow thru your blog.

  2. It does seem like you just told us about A.J. being born.

    Your grandsons are both adorable!

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  3. Such handsome grands! Now they need a sister! :)
