Sunday, February 19, 2017

Two Trees.......

The sycamore three that glows is one that survived our tornado a few seasons ago.  A large garage truss hunk from the branches up on top after the tornado had passed.  The truss had to be cut up with a chainsaw to cut it up to get it out of the tree.  The tree has similar color of the birch but this is much larger in trunk size and not really as white as a birch.

My birch really has a different branch configuration.  The bark is really a lot whiter most of the time.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I really miss having Birch trees. Hope you two have enjoyed a pleasant Sun. afternoon.

  2. The Birch is so pretty! I hope you have enjoyed the warm weather! I hope it lasts the rest of the month...but I am probably dreaming:)
