Sunday, February 5, 2017

Little Rabbit......

Having seen this ceramic piece in my archive of photos, it made me wonder if it had been packed already.  While walking around the room I noticed it was sitting out in sight on the mantle. That whole collections will stay out for a while until it is closer to closing of the new house.  We need some things out for the next month that makes it seem a little more like normal living.

This cat was purchased to add it to a world crafts display that I had at school.  I have lots of thing from all over the world but this one was at an import store.  It is marked being made from China.  I also discovered that it could be used as a cream pitcher with the hole that come out from under the paw that is extended.

I hope all are well today.  Thanks for stopping by for my mini-posting on my blog.


  1. I love looking at all of your decorative items. I don't have many, because I hate to dust them. They do add a wonderful charm to the house though!

  2. You have a new photo your Teddy on your side bar!! That is one cute bunny:)

  3. These are sweet pieces. I know it is a chore packing to move. Larry's daughter moved last week to a home with a yard for her 2 pups. The biggest headache was that it took the water dept. 4 days to turn her water back on from the previous owner!
