Saturday, February 4, 2017

Living on the Prairie.......

A great tractor ride through Iowa that happened 10 years ago.  The all landed in Minburn, Iowa to take a rest as they took off for their next destination in another town park. I took a lot of pictures of old tractors on that day.

The author of a poem, written about blue jeans, needed an illustration for her book.  This was my interpretation for "Meeting my Maker in Blue Jeans".

My paintings tend to have farm themes as I once was an Iowa farm boy.  I have painted many other kinds of themes but there is always another barn painting waiting for me to do.  This painting is in California as its owner bought it a few years back.  He is a first cousin of my wife.

The cows are all gone and the buildings seem to be empty, as no one is returning to this farm. Someday I may paint in a cow or an old tractor.  If I were like Andrew Wyeth, and I could be, he would tell the viewers that you are to place in the picture the cows that were in there at one time.  He would paint just the roughed up ground where the cows had been. You were to use you imagination as to what is not there anymore.

I am blogging late tonight but it seems to be the only time for me to settle in and write. I appreciate your stopping by today.


  1. Old farmsteads are a good subject to paint! Have a good Sunday...snowing here:)

  2. You captured the jeans wonderfully , great works of art.
