Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Middle of the Week........

The lineup  on the mantel is receiving  light from the window making it look like they are waiting in line to buy tickets. The dragon is an extra piece that normally is not shown on that shelf. He snuck out of the cupboard below and his destiny is not determined.  My thumbs seem to be point down to his future in our household.

The house is in disarray.  The plastic cottage cheese container is full of rocks and the little chair is one my wife uses with her dolls for still life arrangements.  She draws dolls in different settings using  pastels and the smaller dolls sit on the chair. Both chair and rocks have yet hit a storage box for future shipping.

Barney isn't really happy with things that are going on in the house. He missed the one love seat for a while as it was gone and not there for him to lay down by in the evening.  He walks through the boxes and avoids areas where I am working in the future family room. When things get to be too much he finds a place away from everything and takes a nap.

The fish are staying warm inside but the windchill are not fun today.  I don't like that 28 degrees F. can feel so cold with the winds blowing. I have been working on the house and had to go in and out on the porch to saw wood.  I had cover my head and ears as it was too cold not to.  Then when I came back inside it was too hot to keep the stocking hat on.  I was switching the hat on and off most of the morning.

Our grandsons have really grown the past two months since we last saw them.  Our oldest son, took the shots, and gave them to us when we were out there last Sunday. I saw a video of that youngest guy dragging himself across the floor using his elbows.  He will get a lot more mobile soon. The older grandson is magically turning into a good big brother.  He seems to now understand who the little guy is and how he can related to him and help take care of him.

I blogged late today but I did get it done.  I missed one the past week but I will keep trying to get one up each day.  I appreciate your stopping by today. Thanks.....


  1. So nice to see photos of your grandsons. They grow so quickly. Poor Barney does not like his routine changed! I do not envy you all the packing, it is tedious work.
