Thursday, February 2, 2017

Fuzzy and Furry.......

My present condition of having blurry eyes makes me think this guy is not in focus.  I could have taken it again but I didn't notice that the shot was not a good one until it was too late.  Barney had gone to some other area in the house.  He eats some things in the morning but he really isn't that hungry as the dog biscuit may lay there for a few hours before he dice ides to eat it.

It must be pet day today as I have some fish photos to share also. The lighting is alway back lighted with the aquarium so it takes a certain time day when I can get a shot of them.

I really don't know how long I have had these fish but I could look it up on the past blogs.  There is no time for that.

In this shot you can see the white algae eater resting on some fake foliage. The snow is some very fine fish food.  When you get to the bottom to the can there are only broken up fine flakes from the larger flakes that were once there.

I have been so busy that I haven't kept the filters clean.  I had to work on it as everything was completely clogged.  I know the fish are breathing easier now that the water is getting more oxygen.

Whacky cake is a good way to end this blog today.  The neighbor makes it once in a while and shares it with us.  My mom use to throw the ingredients together and bake it before we would arrive home from school.  It was easier than baking cookies.

Busy as ever and I am trying not to bet discouraged.  As I complete certain areas in the gallery, I struggle in the decision as to which next thing I should do.  Ceilings, walls, or floors are my choices. I do think I will leave the floor to the last.  It is cold again and I really don't like it.  I guess the next few days will be getting colder and the days will not be warming up much.  I will be glad for spring to arrive.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I do not like cold weather either we at to have a freeze here today.

  2. Love your fish. I hate cold also, we are to have a freeze tonight. We have had a cold winter or maybe at 80 I don't handle it as well.
