Monday, February 27, 2017

To The Dump......

Someone stole my Buick and put a dumpster in its place. I can keep it for the whole month.  I hope I am through with it  sooner than that but I guess we will have to see what happens.  I have my construction mess that was all outside on my porch now inside of the container.  I need to clear out the basement too so the box will come in handy.

It is a smooth clear sky that we see this morning.  It is cold but will warm up a little bit during the day.  I can see the results of the earth's tilt as the sun will soon be seen behind that pine tree. I don't think we will see any buds for another month.  Leaves will cover the whole scene by early April into May. That means summer will be on its way.

I shared this photo on my other  blog but I thought I should repost it here. The nook was a sink and cupboard area.  I removed it all and it left a neat reading area or office area for someone to fill.  I have a light to install and we have a couple of coats of paint to apply.  Buying paint can be a challenge when you buy a stock color and then they run out of the stock color.  I won't say much more about that. No matter how old I get, I can't keep ahead of complications that happen. The solution for this project would have been us becoming contractors and hiring drywall experts, painting experts, ceiling experts and flooring specialist.  That being a pipe dream we will get the job done.

My smaller sansevieria  is still overcrowded. I like the green color as is is very healthy in its crowded state.

I am going to downsize some of my plants when we move.  I have windows for them but a lot of them are  not going to move.  If I can find homes for them that will be great. I do have a very large cactus that won't move because of two grandsons that will visit us.  It is planted in a stoneware container that I do want to keep.

On to the jobs of the day which will include spending the day in the basement.  I know that I can find things that need to go into that dumpster and other things that need to be packed. I hope everyone is doing well today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I think almost any of us could easily fill up a dumpster! Glad you are making progress and I am sorry about the paint not being in stock. I know many lucky folks will enjoy receiving some of your plants that you don't wish to move.

    I can tell in your sky photo how cold it must be. We have had light rain today. All the best wish packing, renovating and tossing!

  2. So your new car is a Buick too...looks like a sedan to me, I hope you like it and got the heated seats:) Your project is coming along! :)

  3. You are really an ambitus person I know your wife is glad you are not working on the house you are living in.
