Friday, March 3, 2017


Looking out my window to the birch tree, I can see the day looks promising.  We are having another warm up and gradually we will be 70 degrees F.  by Monday.  We spent yesterday with two different people who sold us a replacement furnace for this house.  It makes for a long day when they come in and sell you a furnace and then another guy returns to map out the replacement on the same day.  I did have my basement cleaned out enough to give two different people tours of it but now I have a couple of areas that I need to clear before Monday.  Dan suggested that the two racks of toys should be moved away from an area to help them easier access for installing new pipe. I told him that the area was the next on my list but three days notice for them to come didn't allow me enough time to finish the job.  I have finished that area now today but still have three storage bins of toys that I want to high grade into just one toy box to take to the new home for the grandsons.

I am shipping these mugs of my mom's to a first cousin that lives in New Mexico.  She is also getting some afghans that my mom made and other knick knacks.  The top thing that I am sending, is my grandmother's wedding dress.  I doubt the next generation will be appreciative of it but this cousin is the youngest one.  I didn't want to move it and she was so glad to be gifted of it.  I need to print out a photo for her showing her standing with full view of the dress. Being that the cousin lives in the south I am going to send some of the western salt and pepper shakers.  She will get a good laugh from them  as they were bought in the 60's by my mom when we traveled west in the summer.

The painting of the walls is done.  The trim and doorways need their color painted on but it is nice to get it looking closer to completion.  We have a ways to go and I am still working on the basement.  Yesterday though I snuck in an hour and a half to get the last coat finished in the room.

Thank you for stopping by today.  Have a good day.


  1. You have really been busy. I hope you are resting soundly at night.
    I know your cousin will be thrilled when she receives the pkg.
    Hope you both enjoy the weekend.

  2. Small world...I live in Albuquerque and never would have guessed you have family here in New Mexico. I'm sure he/she will be glad to receive those treasures!

  3. Nice to share family treasures. I just finished sending photos to extended family that my aunt had. She was awesome at recording the names on the photos. Made me go through my portrait photos and label EVERY one.

  4. Hope you get it done before the furnace guys come back, no rest for the weary! :)
