Sunday, March 5, 2017


"Tonka tough" is the ladder firetruck toy.  It is metal and has held up well in storage in the basement.  I know one or both the grandsons will love to mess with it for a little while. The ladder really does extend out of the top of the toy. It took a while to clean off all the dirt but it does look good now.

Little things get lost in the boxes of toys.  I had three large plastic bins of toys and I was able to reduce it down to one very full bin of toys for taking with us to the newer home.

They all bring back memories but the oldest toy here is the plastic horse.  It was one of my animals that went with my barn set.  I must have received it as a Santa gift back in the late 1950s.  I don't have the barn anymore but there are a few of the animals floating around in the different boxes of toys. Most of them that I have found are in my antique toy cupboard.  Can you identify Bert in the photo along with R2 D2?

I was concerned about losing this lamp but I did not.  I began early in life collecting antiques.  The base of this lantern lay in the dirt in the back of one of our machine sheds.  It had come from my Dad's mother place when they closed down her home.  It was just brought home but not treated as having value.  I picked it up and cleaned it.  It was in my room as a kid after that until I moved out to go to college.  I don't know how I got it back but I must have taken it when I graduated from college. My parents moved away from their farm a year after I graduated.

I have our basement all ready for a furnace crew to come in tomorrow.  I had to clean out and move things so they can get to all of the areas needed to install new pipe and the furnace. It has been a busy time the last six days as i use them to throw away lots of things and move things. It was good that I was forced to do this as I need to empty the basement anyway.  My dumpster is almost full.

I hope all have had a good weekend and is ready for Monday.  We will be warm on Monday and things just keep sprouting and budding.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Your lamp is a very nice one. I would clean it out and get a new wick and put some buttons or marbles in there:) Yes I recognized Ernie:)

  2. Sorry I meant Bert ...Ernie was the tall one:)

  3. I guess my nephew Chris had these same toys as a child because they certainly are familiar to me. I hope the change out of the furnace goes smoothly - so happy the weather will be nice for the job. That's a great old lamp. Brother Larry has one that belonged to mother and he enjoys using it very much.
    I wish you two a good week.

  4. Such a beautiful lamp, I have several one with old marbles in the base.
    What a neat collection of toys, they will make a little person happy for hours on end ....
