Saturday, April 8, 2017

Ceramic and Glass.......

My wife has these four ceramic tulips that were her mothers. They fit in the vase best even though it is glass and not ceramic. Both items made the move without damage.  We really have not found anything that has broken because of the move but we have plenty of boxes yet to be unpacked. We took a trip up to the house to pick up some small items that were still in the display shelves of the dining room.  We brought it all home and the display pieces. I am not sure we will reuse any of the shelves as they appear to be too worn to be put into our living room.

I have seven of these red twig dogwoods.  What is growing on them, I am not sure, but the birds are loving them and can be seen feeding from them.

Today while Barney and I walked in the backyard we were visited by a large black dog and a smaller dachshund dog. They are two houses over so the dogs will never meet nose to nose. There are a lot of dogs in this neighborhood. We saw a large poodle lab mix walking down the street.  It was a very fuzzy white dog. The Boston Terrier can be seen next door one house over when he is let outside.

This was a very great surprise for me to have this in the garden shed.  My younger son swung open the doors and there is a  supply of many gardening things. It is a full house of spades, shovels and rakes. Behind the wheel barrow is a seed spreader and a garden tiller.  What a great deal!  The couple moved to Boston and I am sure it would have cost by weight to have all these things move. If they moved to a condo or an apartment, they sure would not need any of this anymore. I will have to buy a smaller lawn mower but everything else is here for me to use.

It is a warmer day today with partial sunshine.  We didn't get the wind that they were predicting and that is good.  We are going to be tired for a long time but we are trying to slow down the pace and do more things in a slower pace.  We broke from the moving thing and went to the bookstore this morning. It felt more like having our normal life again.  Thank you all for stopping by today.


  1. The vase and tulips are very pretty. I know you both treasure those.

    I am very envious of that wheel barrow. John's yard sale one finally fell apart!!!! lol He says he does not want another one! No, seriously, it was very kind for the owners to leave these items that are useful behind. I'm happy for you.
    Glad you two got out for a bit today. You will have to find another sandwich shop on Sundays so the servers will know you!

  2. How nice of them to leave you with all you need for the yard.
    We sold most of our yard things or gave to the children. Now The Bennie is looking for some things that he wish he had back.

  3. Glad those tulips and vast survived the move. You must have packed them very well.

    What a great stash of tools in the garden shed. Yay for you!

    Take your time unpacking and setting things up. The hard part seems to be over as you have moved so much to new home.

    Glad you took the day off to just be normal.

    Have a lovely Sunday ~ FlowerLady

  4. What pretty tulips! That was a nice surprise in the garden shed, looks like almost new tools! :)
