Friday, April 7, 2017

Finally it is Friday.......

The boys from Chicago and Lamoine, Maine, worked hard for two straight days moving the mountain of boxes from our one house to the new one. We had a caravan of three cars, loaded to the brim, traveling the 24 miles southeast to the newer home. We did three trips a day making great strides in the moving madness. The final photo before the guys left was taken by my wife and Barney did really want to be in the picture.  We are not completely moved but we are really close to the end of that process. My wife and I were so glad to get all the things that we had packed moved to our basement. It will be a continual daily process of unpacking for a while.

I put up a feeder right away on the deck to feed the house finches and cardinals.  The two squirrels also joined in on the feast.  I bought a bracket to extend the feeder out and away from the deck.  They all were making quite a mess on the deck floor. The little shed is a kids play house of the neighbors.  I don't think I have seen the kids outside but I have seen the dog.

My new gas grill was delivered by the Ace Hardware crew.  The store is less than a mile away from me and they were glad to put it in the truck and stop by. It has been too cold to even think about using it.

In the middle of all that was going on, my neighbor lady wanted me to photograph her mother's quilt.  I worked it in to my busy schedule, smile. I have one of these my mom made with eh diamond pieces being a lot smaller thus greater in  number.  I did get all the quilts and afghans moved.  Two people stopped in at the house while we were moving and they each got a door prize of an afghan before they left.  My mom would crochet them all winter to keep here peace of mind.

When the earth tilts more, the sun will come up at a different location.  Right now it is coming up exactly between two houses down the hill. I don't know if I will ever feel comfortable having the directions on this house being different than what I feel they should be.  I do know that the eastern sun is at the end of the house where there is no window.

We ordered a new laminate wood floor to be put into one of our spare bedrooms. The process takes time to get installed but I won't be doing it.  We are turning one of those four bedrooms into an office and art studio, all on the main floor. We will be a few more weeks before our final furniture order of two pieces will be here.  We will use that as a final starting time to get things finally put away.  We have been running a dishwasher load a day of dishes getting them put away as they are cleaned. They will be the first major thing that we can get established.

I am glad to be back online but won't be commenting until things settle more. I have to go to talk to a car dealer this morning to explain that I can not buy his truck because my garage is too small.  I still want to get a truck but it does have to fit the  size restrictions and the garage door does need to be able to close.  Thanks for stopping by today.  Everyone take care.


  1. I'd love to have laminate floor in half my house eventually. But that's way down the road! :-) Have a lot of painting to do inside, and shelves to put up, that sort of thing.

  2. So happy for you, moving can be a pain ,great your two sons came
    wonderful help. We had a squirrel show up this morning, first one that we have see after moving here. We had big acorns fall this year he was busy carrying them off. Sure he will be back. We can't have feeders here, so no corn for him.

  3. Great photo of you and yours sons (and Barney). I know your sons' helps was invaluable. Those trips from the basement to the main floor will bet tiresome, but eventually it will all be finished. I like that new grill. Gives you something to look forward to. You will enjoy watching the birds/squirrels. Thanks so much for the updates. God bless you both.

  4. So glad your sons were able to help you do all of that moving. It sounds like things are moving right along and pretty soon, you'll be settled in. Love the photo of you and your sons and Barney too.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  5. So fun to see and hear about your new place. You are a great project manager.

  6. Sounds like you're settling in nicely. Great to have two strong sons to help!

  7. Good photo of you and your boys! I am glad they were able to come and help you move! They are so tall! I bet Barney misses them. I am sure it will take time to get settled one box at a time:)
