Monday, April 10, 2017

Spring Grape Hyacinths.........

This is one plant that I did not have at the old place.  It is interesting to see what keeps coming up in the various gardens.  I am anxious to see what the color of the peony bushes will be. Other plants have leaves that I am familiar with but I can't just name the plant yet.

This seems to be a pussy willow but I did not know that they get to be so large.  I can see where sections of it have been trimmed out at its base. I have always liked seeing pussy willows in the spring but really don't know the leaf shape.  Right now the whole thing has a yellow color to it.

Another blurry shot of it is shown.  I guess I have to work harder to get that foreground to be in focus.

In this shot I have the easterly sky be the focus in the shot. Living on a hill makes us have better sky views in spite of the row of rooftops that can be in the foreground or on the horizon.

Barney will not be taking the stairs to the backyard any time soon.  He really doesn't mind going down the hill to his new backyard. Neighbors seem to have copied one another in this area as the one to the east also has the very same kind of stairs. I have to figure out how to connect a fence to the bottom of these stairs creating a gate at two different places down there.

I have always thought this was a Fostoria platter but what do I really know?  I don't remember where i attained it but I am guessing it was my mom's.  It is a big thing and hard to find a cupboard to store it.  We fill the dishwasher each day with dishes that have come from the old house.  It is the second day on unloading my wife's china.  When it gets washed it will be placed in the island that has special drawers for storing dishes.  There is one more larger box that has china left to open.  That will come tomorrow.  I think that box is full of mixed kinds of dishes from our old buffet in the dining room.

Yes it is a Fostoria piece.   They described it either as a cake plate or a platter.  I could buy another one for $30 to $36 off of easy. 

We take a trip to the house today to throw thing away and load up a few of the last things still in the house. It won't be the last trip of things but every trip makes a good dent into the final move.  I need to get into my garden shed and deal with those things.  I have a workshop in the furnace room where a lot of my tools can be stores.  I will have to share another day what the former owner did for me in the workshop before he moved away.

It is Monday and I hope everyone has a good day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Nice post...I liked the grape hyacinths...the platter is beautiful...

  2. It will be interesting to see what comes up in your new garden.

  3. You must have some kind of a Willow or something in that same family! You will have all kinds of garden surprises! That is a great cake plate! Looks like Barney has some really nice grass in his back yard! :)

  4. Fun to see your new plants in the yard. That platter is very pretty. I am taking the week off until I can get my laptop back from repair. This old computer is driving me nuts! lol I want to wish you both a Happy Easter. Hi to Barney!

  5. I would LOVE to have a pussy willow! I remember them from my childhood. And Mom used to collect Fostoria pieces like that. Have a great week!

  6. We always had small grape hyacinths blooming in the VA yard. They were so small and delicate.
