Tuesday, April 11, 2017


While visiting the old house to pack and clean things I took time to cut some of the daffodils. The old pottery came from the garden shed and the water came from the wheel barrow that was full of rainwater. I didn't think the flowers would last but they are still in bloom this morning.

All kinds of daffodils are my favorites. I remember them down on the farm as a kid and thought they were unbelievable blooms.

Our location on an Iowa hill gives us an advantage of seeing lots of sky both at the front of the house and at the back.  On most days we do not hear any airline traffic.  We had that at our older home daily.  I was surprised on Sunday evening to see a kite flying high in the sky down the street.

An ongoing project is a display to set up above the kitchen cabinets.  We have plenty of extra stuff that can be incorporated into the area.  I will show the whole kitchen later to see why we need to display something up there.

A good candidate item to be placed in the one or two arrangements is the very old and worn spice chess. There is a subtle vaulted ceiling, no beams, that makes for a big blank triangular wall above the kitchen cupboards. The former owners had a good idea of hanging a large old fashioned clock up there and the nail is still in the wall. We will do that but we want to look for one that is unique.

My new home is farther south and is on a protected side of a hill. Things are growing earlier and the bleeding heart is well.  At the old house I have fern leaf peonies up and iris pushing through the ground.  I want to move some of both and think that I will have to leave them in pots for a while before I find new places for them.  I am planning on putting in the last length of fence in the back yard. That will give me a place to till up a row of soil for plants all along the length of the fence.  All of this has to be done between all the other jobs that need to be done.  I did find a flat stone in which the former owners had their birdbath. I will bring mine home today.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Getting things on display above the kitchen cabinets like I have as well! Nice. It's so hard to move plants from an old place...I hope you are successful.

  2. Such beautiful Bleeding Hearts and Daffodil. Your header is so sweet. So you have moved! Exciting. Nearby...in the same state?

  3. I used to have bleeding hearts, but don't remember what happened to them. I do love them.
