Sunday, April 30, 2017

Sunday's Showing......Minimal..

The existing hosta is doing well that grows under the deck stairs.  I planted a hosta and some flag iris yesterday afternoon.  It was still sprinkling but they had been out of the ground longer than they should have been,  I know the people in the know say you can move hosta anytime that you have your spade ready to use. I intend to move all of my different kinds of hosta to the new garden.  Compared to my neighbors at both ends of my house I have too many plants.  The guys east and west of the house are working hard to maintain rock gardens and no weeds. One is reworking his rock garden to make it look better.

The boat laying on the top of storage bin seems to exemplify what we have going on in our basement. We have a lot of unpacking to do.  We have our final pieces of furniture coming on Tuesday so we can start placing things on shelves and in drawers. Things keep being backed up and we take 3 steps backwards most times rather than any one foot forward. The office and art studio room still has not been finished as the leak from the window trim is being dealt with, making sure no more water will enter the house. I need to replace a subfloor piece of wood and that doesn't happen until I make it to the old house to get my tools.  Once all seems to be sealed up, the flooring guys will return and put down the floor.

The bleeding heart flower is holding its own while the New England bluebells are now all spent. The continued rains have caused all the bluebell flowers to fall.  We don't have flooding in our area as the rains have stretched out in time, allowing the rivers to rise but not to flood. It has rained for four days now and it looks like we will now not warm up for another whole week.

I looked across the room a few days ago and I notice that my placing of a jar of tulips on the table caused a novel scene.

It looks like the bunnies are checking out the water and stems in the jar.  The bunnies are now put away. The tulips in the jar are also spent and gone now too.

Another rainy day for us and we will be out for church this morning.  We will have a sandwich somewhere and come home for a quiet afternoon.

I hope all of my blog friends are safe today and wish them all well.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. We are having rain and more rain, it's moving up.
    So maybe this will mean lots of May flowers.
    Like you I want flower gardens -- not rock gardens.
    Good Sunday to you both.

  2. Too cute with the bunnies looking in the water.

  3. Stunning header! I do hope your Hostas bloom. There are none blooming here yet. Gorgeous bleeding Hearts, and an adorable bunny scene. I think I would leave them up all year!

  4. Love the boat and the cute bunnies! Your bleeding heart flowers are lovely.
