Saturday, April 29, 2017

Old House Surprise......

The female goldfinch doesn't change to the yellow colors like its male partner does.  Check out the female in the vertical photo of the collage.  She almost blends in to the background which is helpful when she is nesting and doesn't need to be seen.

While moving, I found all sorts of things that I had lost track of and this photo is one of them. The original image was in a newspaper article showing a log cabin that was discovered in the old farmhouse.  The Horton family owned a lot of land near Woodward. It was said that the oldest generation left in his will farms for each of his children. This was probably the original family home.  Generations after that first family did not have a clue that the log cabin was a part of the house.  It was told that it was the dining room for the house.  You can see a normal farmhouse complete with bay window was built next to it.

Here is a borrowed photo from the Living History Farms in West Des Moines, Iowa showing it in its new location.  This is that cabin in which the family donated to the history museum.  I am assuming that the move 15 miles south was done in parts and the cabin was reassembled.

Another one of the houses, a farm house, sits on the museum site. I remember seeing that house on blocks for a couple years.  It was along highway 141 and it too was moved to that farm museum.  I had not married my wife at that time and she did know some of her relatives lived in the house. The house on blocks was on the opposite side of her farm home.

The shrub at the old house is in bloom right now showing these wonderful white blooms.  I may try to move a start of this shrub as it has lots of memories for me.  I friend of mine gave it to me years ago, probably 36 years ago.  The friend is gone now and the shrub continues to put our great blooms in the spring.

We are having another day off today.  We still will be putting things away but not heavy duty work. I hear a bookstore calling out to us to come visit it and we probably will try to do that.  Rain is predicted again this afternoon and we are really tired of receiving it.  It is good though that we are not in drought.

It is the weekend and I hope everyone is having a good day off today and tomorrow.  Everyone take care and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Beautiful goldfinches! And I adored seeing the old photo of the log house. Knowing it was moved and restored is so awesome! And that shrub in your old gorgeous!

  2. The Goldfinch were a delight to see in the spring, they didn't stay
    around long. Maybe on their way to your house.
    Thanks for telling us about the old house , love history about our
    American pioneers.

  3. Those bookstores have a way of calling you, don't they! Found a great one in Abbotsford out west last week.

  4. I hope you are successful with a start of this pretty shrub. Your photos are just beautiful. Loved seeing the Goldfinches. Blessings to you both tomorrow.

  5. Seeing the gildfinch ohotos, Larry, brought back memories of the feeder sacks we had at the VA house. I used to spend many hours watching and photographing them from the kitchen window...too many hours because I have CDs full of bird pics!

    We have been in the road with family visits since Easter as well as a trip to the still unsold VA house, so Inhave fallen behind on blog reading. But, today I spent quite awhile catching up on what you've been doing as far as clearing out the old house and moving into your newer home. It is exciting as well as much work as we well know, and there's also the thrill of finding items from years ago as you have been doing and showing in your posts. While I didn't have the time to comment on older posts, I enjoyed them and wish you continued success in the move-in process. The new Amish-made furniture looked beautiful too!

    Rest up, relax and enjoy your weekend, Larry. You and your wife deserve a break. Moving is a lot of work.
