Thursday, April 27, 2017

Thursday's Things.......

It was too cold to be mowing the yard yesterday but I did it anyway.  I had double layers on with a stocking cap and it still was a tad chilly.  I didn't get done mowing but i did get done the places next to the road where the public sees it.  The town's ditch was full of weeds a long the side of the road and I guess it is my job to mow them down. They had grown tall and I would have thought they would maintain it but I am foolish to think so.

I took down the wire dog fence with steel poles while I worked at the old house yesterday.  It was sad to do so, meaning we won't be returning and be putting any dog in the backyard anymore.  We put the dog fence in probably 17 years ago.  Our neighbors at that time had a large aggressive dog that they would chain out in the front yard.  He would bark at us loudly and what seemed to be in an unfriendly way.  When we first brought Button, our small dog, home, it seemed dangerous for us to put him out there with that big dog sitting and glaring over at us and our little dog. Having the fence out meant I could do a better job of mowing up things.  I had spent tomato vines out there the needed to be removed.

The lilacs are blooming abundantly this year.  They really are not quite opened fully but I did cut some to bring to the new place.  I grabbed a child"s sand bucket that I had there and put them in it. We both have reactions to the lilacs so they didn't get special display on the dining room table. On the floor next to the window seems to be a good enough place.  I decided if they started to bother one or both of us allergy-wise that I could sit them out on the deck and we could look through the window to see them.

I have white lilacs but I had chopped them back, pruning them form very tall branches to a three foot plant. I knew that I would not see blooms on them this year.  The did leaf out nicely and look like a good set of bushes again.

I am taking a couple of day off from working on the house.  I have developed some arthritis problems in my hands from working on the house for so many months.  I can still type on the keyboard but it is a challenge. I have had this before in my left hand but never before in both hands.  It will go away when I stop that kind of work.  I discovered carrying garbage bags were really hard on the fingers as one grips the back to keep a good hold on them.  We are close to not needing to use garbage bags now and most all of the rooms are empty.  I will share later stories when I get the piano dismantled. I would like to make something from the fancy parts of the old piano but I am realizing I just can't do it without some free time in my life.  Maybe I can collect the good parts and move them with me south.

We are taking my wife's friend out to lunch today. She likes the Asian buffet kind of places so we will be doing that today.  It is too easy to eat too much at those places. We live about 15 minutes away from her now and that is a nice thing.

It is very cold again today and we will be wearing winter coats.  I hope we all get to warm up soon. I appreciate your stopping by today.


  1. Very sorry it is so cool there. That is sad to have taken down the fence that held your dogs. I know you both miss Button. I'm glad that Barney seems to be adjusting to his new home/neighborhood. Very sorry about your hands too. Rest is definitely what you need. The lilac blooms are so pretty. We have allergic reactions to many scents also. We've had a day of rain but the weekend looks clear. God bless you both.

  2. Wow Lilacs blooming and we have snow on the ground! Good to hear you will do something with the piano parts! I hope you find time to rest your hands. My worn at night wrist brace really helped my carpel tunnel. No more pain and a sleepy arm waking me up...what a relief:)
