Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Middle of the Week........

The red  tree finally unfurled its leaves.  It looks like a red maple tree to me. It is a nice tree and I like that it is so tall.  The red twig dogwood shrubs are now leafing out and they look great against the weathered fence.

The red and yellow tulips from the old house are blooming right now.  I brought some of them to the new home yesterday. They are so vivid in color and the blooms are large.

This is a mystery spring flower that is growing next to my front step.  There is only one of them. I would venture a guess of what it is but I am not good with the names of these small flowers.  I think it may be from a bulb.

Another bouquet of tulips from the old house which has softer colors in it.  I switched the one framed print on the mantle for this smaller one. It is a print of a watercolor by Nita Engle.  She has painted Minnesota scenes for many years. The bunnies will be put away soon.  We are not moved in enough to know where they are going to be stored. They may go back into a box until more "other" things have found places to be.

It is cold today but I still need to mow the farm's yard.  I was out cutting tulips at the old house yesterday and the grass on the east side of the house that is really tall. Today has to be the day so I will take layers of clothes and a stocking hat with me to get the job done. It is rainy looking but that is all staying east of us. I will have a load of sticks to pick up before I can start to cut the grass.  I wish you all a great day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Your flower may be a Perennial Geranium. Might be Geranium it! Looks like the flower and foliage to me :)

  2. Back breaking job picking up sticks.
    Love the yellow and red tuples.

  3. I love your mantle vignette.

    Happy Spring ~ FlowerLady

  4. Beautiful trees and flowers....

  5. That tree looks like a 'Crimson King' Maple, with the dark red leaves. We had two at another house. Nice looking, but you have to rake the leaves pronto in the fall, otherwise they'll kill the grass.
