Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Tuesday's Things........

Does this guy look familiar?  He was placed on a step that goes up to the deck.  He is still there as I have been too busy to decide where he should be placed.

I am going to rely on my blog friends to get this vine identified.  I could spend some time on the net looking it up but it is easier to let those in the know to tell me what it is.

Our new place has this well constructed set of stairs to help people to get from the from yard down to the back yard. The vine is on the lattice.  I believe that vine actually invades the space above the trellis and goes to the top of the deck railing.  The previous owner must have cut it back.

Here are the first clues to the color and shape of the flowers on the vine.  It is a pretty bloom and I bet there will be berries.

Here is a closer look of the vine and flowers.  I bet it doesn't continuously bloom but the vine is a good looking one.

The evening sky was filled with subtle-looking clouds scattered in the sky. The big sky from the back northern yard seems to appear differently than when I go to the front yard.  The setting sun is out the front side of the house and with good timing I can see the sun going down on the house horizon.

Does this look familiar?  I brought it down with a lot of difficulty.  The dirt wanted to fall out the bottom of the tile.  I had to get it into a plastic bag to contain it. It needs some reworking but has to take a number for me to fund the time to do it. The sedum is alive and that is what is important for now. I have is setting in a field of lily of valley and a stray hosta seems to be popping up in the area.

It the second day of the week and there are lots of things to do.  I hope everyone is well.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I hope someone names the vine...I love the flowers!

  2. What pretty flowers on that vine of yours. It will be interesting to see what someone says it is.

    Have a great week enjoying your new place.

