Saturday, May 13, 2017

It is about Time.........

We finally found a clock that was fitting to hang on our kitchen wall.  The ceiling is vaulted so the space above the kitchen cupboards is vast and vacant looking. The clock is made with real wood, jointed together, to make the circle shape. The works of the clock are real-looking metal pieces made of plastic.  We liked it and it fits in to what we have arranged here. We had looked in so many stores to find the clock and this was at Bed, Bath and Beyond.

It is very hard to make arrangements like this when you have to stand on the kitchen counter to do it. The ledge of the top of the cupboards are very strong but I had to keep one hand on it continually while I was placing items. My wife would stand back and help make the decisions on the placement of things. Nothing in the display is permanent and we do have many more things boxed in the basement that may be replacing the present items. I can visualize some small metal things hanging from the wall.  I don't own any old metal signs and a license plate won't work.

It had been a month since we wrote the check for a new floor and when we received the product.  There were things that slowed it all down, in our getting a new floor,r but it seemed to be a slower business than I would have imagined. The before picture here show what the raw floor looked like when the house was first built. It is amazing how the painters do what they do and how they leave such interesting pattenrs in the center of the room and along the walls.

The after view is quite a transformation.  It is a laminate which really is not intended for a lifetime of wear and tear.  It was the product that works for us and what our use of it will be. Carpet could easily be put back down but we won't be doing that.

The room was one of three bedrooms on the main floor. We will turn it into an office and art studio for my wife. Here you can see the bedroom closet which will be great for her to store her art supplies.  I want to put in portable shelving to make the storage more efficient.

The floor will be a better choice for an art room with products that accidentally land on the floor. They can easily be cleaned up. The pattern of the floor is nicer than we thought. When you look at a short sample your don't really get to see the full pattern view. I know that I will share more photos with the furniture moved into the room.  It will be nice to move it all in and continue the moving process that we had halted while waiting for the installation.

Our kitchen window view is not as impressive as the one we had in the old house. Our ledge is small and only the small blues can be placed on the ledge. The view of the patio will be nicer as I get plants growing on the deck.

The stems of iris buds did perform for me by opening to normal blooms.  This is one of my cemetery iris varieties.  I did bring roots of this to the new house. I planted more iris and hosta plants in the new garden area yesterday.  I also moved big rocks around in the rock garden and placed hosta plants in areas to make that area to look less like a desert. Yes, I am too old to be moving large rocks and I promised myself yesterday that I won't be doing that anymore.

We are both exhausted from all that goes on around here so we will take today off.  Our weather is really pleasant and we like not having to wear coats any more.

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Love the clock, Larry! It's perfect for that spot! The new floor is beautiful! I want to do that eventually. And the pretty row of blue glass in the kitchen window is right up my alley!

  2. Hope you rest and enjoy what you have gotten done.
    Things are looking good.

  3. Good choice with the clock! I like your new flooring area rug may work in that room, I like them better than carpet! I need a new one under the dining table! I am looking for a red one! I enjoyed seeing your blues in the window. I am certain you will find just the right "stuff" for above your cupboards. I uses some plate stands up in mine...which is at the present time a tad dusty:(

  4. The clock is wonderful! It looks like some sort of handmade antique, so I was totally amazed that you found it at Bed Bath & Beyond! I have my kitchen windowsill lined with blue bottles too! The floor is really beautiful! Laminate is so strong and resistant to scratches, and easy to clean. I have been wanting it in our kitchen for a long time.
