Sunday, May 14, 2017

Sunday Mother's Day.....

The iris bloomed out in the old canning jar showing its frilly white and pattern on the falls. The jar looks like it isn't one of my best ones.  I think I grabbed it out of the garden shed and I can see now I didn't change the flowers to a better jar.

This is a repost of a shot showing the two different kinds of iris that I collected.  I should have a few more kinds blooming soon.  I will share them as they bloom. As I move the plants to the new place, I am confident that they will survive. They grow in really tough kinds of soils in all the cemeteries and have done so for years. My clay soil really should not bother them much even though I am putting some good Iowa dirt in the hole as I plant them.

I have planted hosta plants in my rock gardens and the Iowa dirt goes right in the hole with them.  Every single one that I have planted is doing well and they all are perking up from their move.

As my wife gets moved into her new place you can see all the clutter that comes with that. We can now start to sort out art stuff and can now set up the second basement studio. We are going to have a painting studio next to the sliding glass doors in the walk out basement. It will be nice to get both areas established and then the rest of things can be sorted. The floor installer asked if we have had to wait a long time for the floor.  It was a silly question as he knew he had been delayed two weeks from when he first started.  I explained that once you order the floor you wait a week to have it be shipped to the store. Then you pay them. Then they set up the installation for two more weeks later, in our case it was four weeks later.

A part of the move is to distribute the books into three different locations with large shelving plus into two smaller bookshelves that hang out in a bedroom and a downstairs bedroom. We gave away a lot of books to Goodwill but we still have plenty to arrange.

It is Sunday and we will eat out for Mother's day.  Afterwards we need to visit my wife's first cousin who is seriously ill in the hospital. Neither of the cousin's children live near in the state and are on the west coast.  We are going to have to help with the situation.  Maybe today she will be out of intensive care and we can see some improvement in her.  It is so great to live closer to the Des Moines area as that has make it easier to do visits.

I wish you all to have a great day today.  Thank you for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I hope that your wife's cousin will be recovering from her surgery and it's nice that you and your wife will be able to visit her. The iris is a beautiful bloom, too bad it is so short-lived.
