Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Middle of the Week......

Morel mushrooms grow wild in our state and can be found in early spring.  It usually takes a special area for them to grow and some warm sunlight helps to make them pop up out of the ground.  While mowing at the old place yesterday I looked down into a peony plant and saw five of the large mushrooms in a bunch.  The sun was shining on the area and it was warm enough to make them develop. This is just a shot of the top layer of mushrooms that are being dried from their ice water bath. We enjoyed fried mushrooms with grilled burgers and my wife's world famous potato salad.

The last of our furniture order arrived yesterday.  We were waiting on a couple pieces for our bedroom and a piece on which our television now sits. We can now organize our clothes and place them into drawers where we can find them.  It has been a long wait but we are so happy with the furniture.

The moving process is more than just getting all of your things from one place to another. The rearranging and finding a spot in a totally different house for everything is so time consuming.

This may be a reposting of the shot but it does represent what I saw yesterday on my one apple tree. It was a dumpster day yesterday as I spent time mowing and throwing things away from different piles around the garden shed.  The barn boards saved from the tornado damage many years ago are now all headed to the landfill.  I tossed other things that are just not needed including a nail keg that was falling apart and pottery pieces found in the shed from my former students.

I won't share all the shots I took of this spot but this one will show you what I had to do.  A trim piece that was decoration at the bottom of the window outside had become dislodged from its original installation 13 years ago. The piece leaned out just a bit but collected rainwater.  The water would dam up and leak back, up into the vinyl siding and come through the outside wall. The inside wall revealed nothing. When the flooring people took up the carpet it was hiding a rotted section of the floor.

I removed the rotted section back up under the sill and replaced it with plywood.  Plywood is a stronger wood than the OSB board. Because of this discovery the floor guys stooped work and now weeks later they will return to finish the job.  The two guys have a big job going on right now so we were thrown onto a schedule for late next week. It takes a lot of patiences but we will be able to move into this room finally in 9 days.

The birds continue to put on a show each morning now that  the sun is shining.  I did discover we have doves that eat from the patio below the deck.  I haven't put out a tray feeder yet but do have plans.

I am working around home today here at the newer house.  I need to mow my yard here today.  Everyone on both sides of me have their yards done but I will catch up today.  We are putting together an art table for my wife today.  It does take two to follow the directions and assemble.  The most open space in the house right now is smack dab in the middle of the living room floor. It will be up and ready for her to use soon.

With the weather better we will do some errand running today. It is still very cold out but we are to warm up this afternoon. I wish everyone to have a good day today.  Thanks for stopping


  1. Sounds like you got a plan and things are moving along just fine.

  2. Awesome find, Larry and beautiful goldfinch.

  3. You are somright, Larry, that moving from one home to another is a lot of work. Glad to read and see that your furniture finally was delivered. We are waiting on a final piece of furniture to be delivered today. It's the new bed we ordered 8 months ago.

  4. I love the goldfinch pic. We still have problems "remembering" where we put stuff since our move. We can remember where it was at the last house! lol Happy that you rec'd your new furniture. Enjoy!

  5. Lucky BUM! We used to find morals in Michigan all the time. But since we moved here, we have no idea where to look. In the right spot, they would literally carpet the ground! All three species, white, black and giant. ( don't know the scientific name.) Those look like the white ones, although if they are as large as a Coke Can, then I would guess the giant variety. Always a fun time hunting them down.
