Thursday, May 4, 2017

Thursday's Things.....

A photo of an old stoneware bowl sitting on a piece of newspaper.  I had washed it and didn't want to set it wet onto the oak furniture top.  The bowl has to be from the great grandparents home of our sons.  It is large and I could see people mixing up a big batch of bread in it.  I am going to put it into a display above our kitchen cupboards.

The sequence of the sunrise show that the clouds intended to be in the road of the view of the sun. The clouds did break up later into a bunch of spotty clouds.

Barney continues to get us up a little earlier than we would like, but it is a nice quiet time in the neighborhood at that time. An hour later adults and kids are getting ready to leave for their destinations. One set of boys hurry out to play basketball before they have to go to school.  Others are being picked up by the bus.  Adults are busy leaving with coffee cups in hand.  The all have different start times for their jobs.  I always wonder how far they have to drive to get to their jobs. My wife and I pulled a fun thing and went out for breakfast this morning.  We have not done that before except when the boys were here to help us move.

I was at the old house this morning and can see a few stray tulips are in bloom.  The fruit trees are still blooming and the peony bushes are all budded with large balls of petals getting ready to explode open.  The peonies will be way earlier than the iris. I transplanted some more plants into my new garden area from the home garden area. I wished I could see blooms on them this year but I know that won't happen.  I do have a fern leaf peony in a bucket that should be in bloom today.  I brought in a bucket and thought it best to leave it in there until it had bloomed. Photos will be possibly shown tomorrow.

Busy day but things are being accomplished.  It is good to get some things finished and work in progress is good too.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. I really like the stoneware bowl - what a treasure. It will be a nice addition to the kitchen. We have clouds and light rain today, temps are a little cooler.
    Glad you are able to bring more of your plants to the new house. There are a few we wish we could have brought, but did not. Turns out the folks who bought our last house pulled up and threw away many of the trees we had planted. That is sad.
    Glad you and Della enjoyed breakfast out. That is one of our favorite meals.
    We have one close family here and there are 7 adults. From about 1:30 a.m. until 7 a.m. someone is coming or going from work (shift work) lol

  2. What a great bowl to mix bred in!! :)
