Monday, May 29, 2017

Monday Holiday.......

I remember the ones we have lost who served our country.  I have seen the effects of war on our own family and I know those who have lost soldier family members during the battle.  As I watched our PBS broadcast last night honoring the present and past members who have served, I was reminded of the importance of our country's need to maintain our values and beliefs. Our soldiers give more than what is asked of them.

As a bus load of Christian Egyptians are slaughtered on a bus a few days ago, because they were Christians, I am reminded that the religious wars continue.  The killing of Christians was done in celebration of the non-Christian holiday. Our country has a problem with political correctness and I am not suppose to mention the Muslim holiday that they were celebrating while killing all of the people who refused to denounce Christ.

The get the best light for photographing the flowers, I balance the vase on the rail.  It all works well except on windy days.  In the background you can see the raised bed in which  I have now planted five tomato plants to start my vegetable garden.  I was concerned that the birds would pull leaves from the plants but this morning all were still in tack. I really don't have the time to do more kinds of vegetables but something else might get planted.

The previous owner had planted six or seven peonies in a row.  I can see that I have a few different older colors that I may have to move to the new place. The mixed colors of white and pink and the straight white peony is not in this collection.  I have lots of rooms in the back yard to plant more.

More photos of peonies are to come.  My wife's cousin, who has been in the hospital for over two weeks, is better.  The cousin reads my blog and I am grateful for that.  Because of that I have never shared details out of respect for her and also because it isn't necessary.  We take her husband down to the hospital each morning and seeing the smile on her face makes all of the effort very worth while. We are all praying and believing that she will be moved to a regular room, out of ICU, after such a long stay there.

I wish everyone to have a good day today.  We are having a nice day with sunshine and it is wonderful to have it.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Thankful that your wife's cousin is better and I pray that she will be moved from ICU soon. Thankful that her husband can visit.
    We do not have any peonies, but I sure love the big pretty blooms.
    My mother's mom died of TB when mother was 8 and she was moved into an orphanage. At age 13, she rec'd a letter that her daddy had been killed instantly in WWII. I always remember his sacrifice and her pain.

  2. The world has become so sad in 2017 ---
    but we have lovely flowers and freedom for now.
    Pray it stays a nation under God.

  3. Thank you for identifying the butterfly that visited our yard. I chased him for 30 minutes before I got ONE photo! lol
    Maybe you could dig up just a pot full of bee balm to bring to the new house.
    I appreciate your visit/comments - I know you both have long and busy days.
