Sunday, May 28, 2017

Sky and Blooms.........

Maxfield Parrish painted many paintings that had skies just like this.  He didn't do any paintings with suburbia foreground.  He painting had large trees and classical Romanesque porch railings in the foreground.  The paintings all were so dramatic looking just like this sky in my backyard.

The flag iris really bloomed well with all our spring rains.  It took a long time to get them to bloom for the past few years. I was disappointed in their growth so I moved them into bright sun and they really responded to that location.

My neighbor gave me the light colored flag iris and I gave her the dark blue one.  He light colored ones died out so I encouraged her to dig some of it and take it back to her place. I have both varieties blooming well and I plan on bringing some of both to the new home.

A new color of bloom I am sharing today.  It is a brownish color but there are a lot of reddish colors in it too. I think this is a newer one that I bought in the last few years. I have one of my garden areas in the backyard almost full of iris starts now.  The area was used for vegetables the past years but I really don't have the time to do much this year with that. I intend to make the iris move to a different location sometime this fall along a fence to the southwest.

Thank you for stopping by the blog today.  I wish everyone to have a good day.


  1. These are all gorgeous. Such pretty and rich colors. We only have flag iris here. I would love to have the old fashioned yellow iris one day.

  2. Irises are so varied in color. My Mom must have loved them, because she always warned us when mowing the yard to "Not mow her Flags" (her term for Iris) My brother, whether to cause mischief or to simply avoid being asked to mow the lawn, Cut them all clean off! Mom was beyond furious! And he never mowed again....I gained the privilege. Thanks bro!

  3. Those dark blue Iris are gorgeous!
