Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Spring Flowers........

Th last of the tulips came to our new home yesterday.  I also brought some globe allium. I didn't know if they would work as a cut flower but they seem be doing good. Not a one started wilting.

Our son and wife and two grand boys visited Holland, Michigan last weekend.  He had wonderful photos of so many tulips, so I had to try my hand at taking some shots. I think I left one lone white tulip up at the house. The rest are have now been cut and enjoyed in our new home.

I shared on my Photo a Day blog pictures of the Jack in the pulpits that I have growing next to my patio. The wild plants that I would see as a kid had different colors with the Jack being white.

I mowed at the old house today. I didn't get everything done but I got most of it done.  I had interruptions from two different neighbors so the time was longer than usual for me to get the things done that I wanted to do.

I like the weather we are having right now.  It will warm up some today but we are tired of th cold that as hanging around us. I have things to do in my new house's garden now with things to get into the ground and maybe a partial mowing in the front today.  Thank you for checking in today.


  1. I think that Jack may turn white, looks like it is brand new:) Your bouquet is beautiful! :)

  2. The tulips and alliums are very pretty in the vase. Keeping up the two yards will be harder once the weather begins to warm. We are near 90 today; crazy weather....over the weekend, we had to run the heat!
