Monday, May 8, 2017

Monday's Moments........

The birds seem to be aware that cameras are being pointed their way.  I guess they feel safe and the seeds are just to good to make them leave.

We are to get rain from a southern moving rain front. The front moving south is unusual for our area but we get them once in a while.  It gives us some great sky views with the colors changing continually. The deck is wet from the begging of the rain.

One of our first visitors, sat down on the floor to put her shoes on when she was ready to leave. We found this bench at a big furniture store. It came in parts and we had to put it together.  The bench was made in India and the wood is a very heavy wood.  I looked through the lists of possible wood used to make it and I didn't recognize any of the names of trees. The wood is so heavy that I could barely lift the box out of the car. I ended up taking the box apart and bringing in the pieces separately. There is a lid to the box for storage use.  The salesperson said I could put my boots in there.  I have only snow boots for winter and I don't think that I dare put them in there. They did drill four holes in the bottom of it to allow air circulation.  The next goal is to get a picture hung above it to make the place look more home-like.

The blurred shot shows that the moon is not quite in its full stage. The planet Venus is really close to the moon alignment but didn't show up in the photo except as a smudge.

Another busy day is planned.  I will be avoiding the rain and work inside today.  The basement of the old house is my main focus now moving things and throwing things away for good.  It is to get hot today so I will start early and come home early.

Everyone have a good day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. That's a perfect bench for the entryway. Nice moon shot, too. We finally have clear skies after a lot of rain last week. Our temps are in the 40's today (cool for us). I hope you won't get too hot working in the basement at the old house. Take care and drive safely.

  2. I love the's perfect! Maybe it's "iron wood", ha ha.

  3. That is such a nice would be a good place to stash something, but like you I don't think I would want to put shoes in it.

  4. p.s. I noticed the moon here last night. I thought I had left a light on in the laundry room but it was the moon shining brightly!

  5. That bench will come in handy and having seat storage would be handy for hats, gloves and winter gear (non boots). We have a similar IKEA chest by the apt entryway and it's used on a daily basis. The goldfinch is a lovely and colorful photo subject, Larry.

  6. What a perfect bench! We have an old log bench on our landing:)
