Thursday, May 18, 2017

Thursday's Things.....

The iris continues their normal blooming cycle in their vase. I have to deadhead the spent blooms while the new buds have opened over night.

The colors of the old fashion iris are more red than purple.  The pattern on the falls of the iris make it look exotic.  Some people compare them to an orchid even though they shapes are so much different and the bloom life of the iris is so much shorter.

I plan to return to the old place today and hope to find some new iris in bloom.  A hail storm and hard winds happen there last night so I will see what kind of damage was done to them. I know that there were buds on the white iris and maybe I will see blooms today.

The area under my deck steps is well planted to look like a jungle.  The area is in the shade because of the deck and also because it in the northeast side of the house. As I study what is growing there I may add more things but I will wait until fall.  I have a planted hosta in a nice pot that adds to the area sitting on the edge of the garden.

We spent most of the day at the hospital as my wife's cousin was back in the operating room.  The patient had improved just enough that they wanted to do a follow-up surgery to finalize work done previously.  All the time we were at the hospital we were warned of tornado possibilities. Special directions were given to stay out of the waiting room part where there was a bank of windows.

When we arrived home I immediately took Barney outside.  It was thundering out there but within less than a minute we were blasted with a monsoon downpour of rain.  I had to drag Barney back into the house because instantly we were experiencing the 70 mile an hour wind.  We both were soaked to the bone. It started in an instant without any warning and visibility disappeared as the trees bent in the wind and the water blew the water sideways. Hail was coming down for a brief moment while we were getting shaken off from all the rain.

Barney had to wait until the storm passed to go outside.  When we did go, it was so damp and still sprinkling.  Having two yards that need to be mowed, the rains will help make the grass grow so much more. I plan to mow the old place's yard sometime today.

I wish everyone to have a great day.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I see you have a Jack In the Pulpit! Your Iris are beautiful! Sounds like you will be mowing a lot! :)
