Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Wednesday's View......

The deck was wet this morning so I knew it had rained.  Storms were strong at our old place with neighboring towns having a lot of wind damage. We are expected to have more rain storms throughout the day.

The plant at the front door is now in full bloom.  One blogger gave me a suggestion of it being a geranium plant.  It was a name that I had never heard of before and this is a plant that I have not seen either.  It is a very robust plant and looks great right now.  I will be watching to see how it weathers through the summer or if it dies back.

The pot above is temporarily sitting on the step.  I brought it home with the agapanthus in it.  I was going to repot it until I read that it likes to be crowded in a pot.  I have added some fresh soil to it from the top and I still have to trim back the dead leaves.  The article I read stated that it could take 3 to 4 years for one to bloom once it was planted in a pot.  I know they grow freely as a lily in states like California. I see the plant as a background filler in landscape magazine photos.

A bucket of blooms from the old place sit there waiting for me to put them into vases.  I visited the house and picked them, placing the only thing I could find in the basement that held water and flowers.

The day will be another day of visits to the hospital.  I wanted to go mow sometime today at the old house but we are to have rain off and on all day.  I will have to wait until tomorrow and push harder to get through the tall grass. We are weary from all that is going on but we are up to the task.  I wish everyone a great day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Yes is is a Perennial Geranium and should come back year after year:)

  2. Those leaves certainly look like a Geranium.

  3. The flowers and foliage of your mystery plant are lovely. It seems you're very busy at your new place AND your old place. And also with all the things that go with life and loved ones.I hope your loved one in the ICU recovers , it is hard for all when a loved one is far away and visits are not likely due to distance and finances, but the heart still wants to be there. Good thing you're there.
