Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Middle of the Week......

Our second story deck gives a great view of an incoming storm. We did get a lot of rain from that storm front and I won't have to water the gardens today.

A softer version of the above photo shows the sun reflecting off of it while the clouds move in to the area. We have seen lots of rain on the deck and a full rainbow in the southeast.

A visit to the old home gave me a chance to pick some of the first bloomers of lilies. I am headed up today to cut out unwanted plants and small tree starts in the gardens.  I do have to keep the place up even though we are not living there. I don't think it rained up there so I can cut things and truck things out to the city wood dump.

The hydrangea is in full bloom now.  I didn't get a chance to look for any young starts of it to dig but there is plenty of time to do that. I know that it spreads a lot once it has established itself so I will have to work at that on the town lot.

It has filled up more as we keep unpacking boxes.  It is temporary storage too as I get other shelves hung on the wall.  This was in our old dining room and this wall seems to make it seem more like our house with our things in it.

Our grass had gone dormant in places so the rains are so welcomed.  I hope the second rain we get tonight will give us a lot more. Our neighboring Saylorville Lake needs to be filled up a little fuller.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Thankful that you rec'd rain, especially for your grass. I love the curio cabinet and the Precious Moments figures. It is nice after moving, to reach the point where you are doing the "fun" stuff like displaying treasured/sentimental pieces.
    We are receiving a lot of rain this week. All the best to you both - enjoy your day.

  2. That curio cabinet looks much better with your collectibles inside it. Now, you can enjoy them and so can everyone else! This weekw e have not had any rain compared to the two days of last week.
