Thursday, June 22, 2017

Thursday's do!

A welcomed downpour yesterday morning helped to wash a lot of dirt and dust away from everything. The rain was so hard that it shut down our dish reception for five minutes.  It kept me from having to water things yesterday and I am now debating if I need to hose the plants down again today.

Morning coffee on the deck would have been a chance to get a shower in too.  It is a good way to clean the deck without any hard labor from me.  We have our other two chairs on our downstairs patio below the deck.  We really have not had time to enjoy either place.

 I do work out on the downstair patio with cleaning up furniture that I have moved from the old place. My wife's friend decided that she didn't want either chest of drawers that we had moved to the garage for her.  I cleaned up the one and will use it to sit in a large downstairs closet.  It will hold my mom's quilt collection. The other one, which is a dresser with mirror, will be placed in our basement guest bedroom. Going with the flow has been the best way to get through the things in life.

The top view of my raised bed has changed the past week.  The tomato plants are really growing strong and the herbs have doubled in size. I have some small marigolds in the back that seem rather puny. I don't know if they are ever going to look good. The yard still has spots of yellow which the neighbor says is the clay in the soil.  Rich top soil was gleaned and sold off 15 years ago as a common practice with builders. I have a couple of yellow places in my yard in front that may merit a full bag of potting soil being placed on it to bring on some green grass.

One last set of blooms from the honeysuckle vine. The colors of the plant are so wonderful.  Next to this I have a set of terraced places going down the side of the house.  It is full of clay soil and each place has asparagus planted in them.  From what I saw from this spring the asparagus does not really grow there very well.  I am planing to find a flowering something to go on those 8 terraced locations.  I probably will have to buy dirt to put on top of the clay.

I have some native kind of furniture that I brought from the old place.  I am going to strip them of their many coats of paint and then use them. I know that this came from an old boiler room in the old school building. I first worked in it when I started teaching.  They tore the old building down and the janitor made sure that I got the shelf. The building was built in 1908 and I could imagine the piece coming from a country school. It was a taller shelf as I can see it has been cut off at the bottom.

The other primitive piece is also from the old school.  I don't know exactly were but I think it held paper for the copier machine. I grabbed it from the dumpster when the old building was being emptied. I have one more piece that is a table.  I haven't moved it to the new place yet.  It is a table that I am thinking was a teachers desk.  It has the railing around the back and sides as one sees in old country schools. The table has the same many coats of paint on it and it has a drawer. We used it in the basement laundry area for clothes baskets. I will share the photo when I finally get it moved. All of the pieces will be made of strong wood but not necessarily a hard wood.

We planted cannas in our front flower garden.  There was a need for some height in the plantings but I am not so sure they are going to get very tall. In the old days you had to buy the dry bulb for these and wait for them to catch up while rooting.  These are potted and grown in a greenhouse so they established quickly.

I trimmed unwanted growth from the flower gardens at the old house on Wednesday.  I had a truck full of branches and yard waste to take to the city burn pile. Do I keep mentioning that I really like having that truck?  It was loaded  high and I took it all away and discarded with ease.  I didn't get done with that but three sides of the house are cleaned up.  I have probably another truck load to do on another day. Maybe tomorrow I can do the rest as I habie to meet the furnace, A.C. guy tomorrow as a followup of what we bought for that house. There are some things that I do want them to remedy.

It is Thursday and I am working at home today.  I watered plants already and we just had a short downpour while I am blogging.  Where did that come from? I am working in the basement today working on various things including emptying boxes and arranging the furniture for our downstair studios.   Thank you for stopping by today. Everyone take care.


  1. Happy to hear you like your truck. We are having non-stop rain due to storm Cindy. Maybe soon you two will have a chance to enjoy your deck, maybe for a morning or evening cup of coffee. I like the cannas.

  2. We must have had the same storm come through Bluff Country late. I like the fresh smell....:)

  3. I noticed that you are enjoying having a truck! It has been a gret help to you! Thoses Cannas are so pretty! I added a bag of Miracle Grow soil to my front flower garden hoping to enrich the soil. I hope my plants take off soon :)

  4. Nice to have a truck when you have to haul stuff to and from two houses, Larry. I must have missed an earlier post, but was wondering...Did the other house sell?
