Thursday, June 29, 2017

Thursday's Things......

My oldest son took a picture of AJ on a tractor. I don't know where they are but I am assuming that it is like at a living history park. Farming is in his family tree but that is two generations back.  My father was a farmer who owned International Harvesters tractors.  My wife's father also had horses and then owned Massey Harris tractors. My wife's brother has two of these same tractors in storage somewhere near his home

This is the newest photo of AJ that I have. He really is growing as he grows up fast.  We had a pleasant conversation with him on FaceTime a few weeks ago and he did clarify the fact that he has more toys than what I have stored in my basement.  He hasn't seen the stash of toys that I do have but I am going to get rid of s some of them before any grandchild gets attached to it.

This is the newest shot that I have of Teddy.  He really doesn't have that in his mouth.  He is almost walking now and really is such a good natured little guy.  You can see the glow in those eyes that he is  friendly little guy. I have mentioned before that he is really in to moving around and exploring the world.  It is all his dad can do to keep him on his lap while we do FaceTime.

The title for this photo should be "and then there were two".  I stopped in on the husband of my wife's cousin earlier this week.  I had stopped and picked up various food items that would make his 80 year old life easier, since he had lost his wife.  His eyes lighted up when he saw a package of strawberries coming out of the sack. The guy is doing the best he can for one who had been married for 54 years and now is alone.  He depended on her for a lot and has had to learn to take care of himself.  While I am there, he handed me the glass bowl.  I told him how nice looking it was and that I had one just like it.  He then informed me that now I have two of them.

Jeannie had told the story many times to me that she and her dad found a punch bowl at the dump.  She, when a little girl,  and her dad wrapped it up and gave it to her mom for a birthday gift.  Jeannie told me that she and her dad were in a lot of hot water because she did find out it originated as a dump item. I suspect this bowl was the item of contention for years. My other bowl just like it was a door prize, won by my mom at an antique show she visited with friends in southeastern Iowa.

A bird in flight was a shot I captured yesterday before the rains. I changed to a different bird feeder. The other bird feeder was allowing them to scatter seed everywhere. This one is more of a challenge for them and I get to see them mob the feeder at every opening. The cardinals were not coming to the other feeder anymore and the doves come down below the feeder on the ground.

Many tornadoes hit Iowa throughout the day yesterday. We are safe and we only had a half inch of rain. We have more storms predicted late this afternoon. I am heading up to the house again today moving and tossing things one more time.  I am getting to the point that there isn't much yet to deal with and I have a guy I want to come to look over some antique things. They are his for free if he will just remove them from my basement.  He runs an antique shop with his wife's flower shop uptown Woodward.

Many things to do and the list seems to grow as I cross things off but I am progressing.  I whine a lot as it make me feel better.  I am moving slower to keep me in better health.  I am reaching a point where some of the jobs ahead of me should be fun and I need to start looking forward to getting them done.   Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Nice to see your grandsons, Larry. AJ is growing up fast and looks good on that tractor. We had a similar photo of our now 10-year old grandson when he was only a year old and later at 3 when he rode around with grandpa Grenville on a John Deere tractor. Teddy does seem like a happy little fellow.

  2. Look at AJ, what a great photo! Teddy is growing too! :)

  3. When you whine and groan a little it does make you feel better, doesn't it! Wish my better half understood that!

  4. Thankful you are safe from the storms. We watched your weather/damage on the evening news last night. Oh AJ and Teddy are such great kids. Wow, how they are growing. I hope the antique dealer can help you out and take some of the remaining antiques off your hands.
