Friday, June 30, 2017

Friday's Finds.......

The plastic pitcher is all I could find at the old house to hold water for the lilies that I picked. The one lily is of the stargazer family and its fragrance is almost overpowering.  I set them outside on the deck over night incase they were the cause of our sinus problems. They are back in the house today. They all have been transferred into tow glass vases now.

I had moved this lily away form a porch construction area and it awarded me now with three stems of blooms.  I may try to dig just one of them to bring to the new house. I have had this lily for 20 years or more and it is a good bloomer. It doesn't lay down on the ground from the weight of the flowers like a couple of other kinds that I have.

When this hosta was new it never put out this large of leaf.  When I move it out into the open with almost full sun it grew larger leaves. I did move this to the new house and I am hoping it will mature to eventually to block some of the water barrel behind it.

I keep digging hosta plants as I had so many and they multiplied so much. A sample off the side doesn't really hurt the look of the original plant. Some say that you can move them when your spade is sharp.  My spade is dull, short handled, and a sand shovel.  I like using it for that and will move it to the new house when I quit using it.

It is a "before and after" time as I dug into the archives to find this photo. I really didn't have much hope of things looking good as it seemed like I started planting way too late.

As of last evening, this is how much it has grown.  I had watered it a lot even on rain predicted days.  I need to get onto the fertilizer kick now. My tomatoes are half the size of the neighbors but all of my plants do have blossoms on them.

The small marigold in the back was a variety that looked hopeless.  The past few days the roots must have established as they are shooting out new leaves and blooming also.  I had put another taller variety between them thinking they were not going to make it. The herbs really  have taken off as they like the full sun all day.We need tomatoes now for all that basil that we have planted.

We hung curtains in the spare upstairs bedroom today and put on a new bedspread. The room is needing pillows and some pictures hung on the wall and then all will be good.  The dresser still has dozens of glass items siting on it. We will decide what to do on another day o4 in another week.

We are looking forward to the end of the moving but that is so far away.  We make progress everyday and that is good.

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Your garden is growing nicely! My flower bed is still small, I need to fertilize it! Your Lilies are beautiful! Hostas can take quite a beating, once in the heat of the summer in North Fargo huge clumps of them were on the lawn for about a week before they were transplanted and they did okay...they sell sharper bladed shovels at Ace !! :)

  2. I see how much everything has grown! Glad you are still able to pick and choose which plants to transfer to the new property. I am so thankful for the plants we did move.
