Sunday, June 25, 2017

Saturday's Event.....

We visited the Des Moines Arts Festival on Saturday.  It was chilly on certain sides of the displays and very hot on the other side.  Downtown Des Moines continues to grow.  It is amazing as to how the city dug itself out of the dumps and rebuilt a very modern looking city.  There are still old building standing but the new ones keep popping up yearly.  The one in the background that is being built was more fascinating than al of the modern sculptures that have in the park exhibit.

It takes a lot of steel to create a form in which to build.  The whole structure right now reminds me of a Japanese pagoda but that will change when they start to wrap sit with outside walls.

Streets were closed down for the event but the street going by this building has been blocked for quite some time.  It was strange to see it with no one working but the festival probably limited them from doing any work with all the people who would be around on Saturday.

 We traditionally go to the downtown Spaghetti Works for lunch after touring the art work. It was not busy as the downtown farmers' market was blocking the street.  By one o'clock the cafe started to fill up as people waited for the market to leave.  We parked almost three blocks away and hoofed it. More photos to follow in another blog.

Have a good Sunday and thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Great construction photos, kind of like construction art themselves. I see what you mean about the pagoda. Loved your comment about the dog turning in circles before he ate the ice-cream!!
