Saturday, June 24, 2017

Weekend Beginnings........

 A clear sky with cool temperatures is a given.  Summer is upon us and the sun will be up soon to warm us. The grass is wet, so the back patch of grass will have to wait for me to cut it until it all dries out.

My hardy geranium that wintered over has to be moved to another corner of the deck. I have been so busy that I didn't know it was blooming.  I bought new starts of this same plant for the tomato patch this week. Its foliage is so neat. The name of the plant next to the geranium escapes me for now but it is a miracle that it made it through the winter in our old house.  It probably would be better if I repotted it in better soil. The flower on it is tropical looking and the name will come to me eventually.

The lilies from the old place are doing well in their vase with water.  Two of these are Asiatic lilies and one is a daylily.

The zinnias are up.  I am frustrated, as I know that I didn't get them in the ground soon enough.  It will take all of July to get them to start blooming.  I also can see that I sewed them in the ground too thick.  When they get a little more sturdy I will try to transplant out some of them to make a second row. I really had to  keep them moist for quite a few days, morning and evening, to get them to grow. Our natural rains now have really made them stronger and I have quit watering things for a while.

The light shinning on the blue spruce gave me a shot that I just had to take. Between this spruce and the neighbors balsam pine, the birds come and go a lot in both of the trees. For some reason the cardinals and blue jays have moved on and I don't see them any more.  I am sure some of the larger trees down the street and over probably make better nesting areas for them.

We are headed to an Art Festival this morning.  We live so close that we wont' be so tired from the event. There is a second event going on at the State Fair grounds, in an air conditioned building, at the same time.  The one show is outside, downtown, in a sculpture park.  It is a juried show of artist from all over the United States. The work is a little bit more abstract or wild than the normal central Iowa kind.  The one at the fairgrounds is of artists mostly in Iowa or surrounding states. The kinds of work there do seem more like the work that we create.  We live so close now that we can come home and rest from the downtown show and then go back in the afternoon to see the other one.

I wish you all to have a good restful day. Thanks for stopping in my blogspot today.

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